Sales Page:

Hey Offline Marketing Warriors!
If you've ever talked to local business owners before about your services, you've probably heard all types of things such as:
"Email marketing does not create sales... Social media is only for teenagers.. Mobile marketing does not work for small businesses... Video marketing is too expensive... My online reputation doesn't matter..."
They have all kinds of misconceptions about the effectiveness of various forms of marketing ... and these misconceptions are keeping them from generating more leads and customers.
Local businesses are fighting for the same customers, so they have to adjust their marketing efforts to keep up... that's if they want any chance of out-doing their competitors and maintaining their share of the market.
While some business owners KNOW they need to use methods such as Online Reputation Management, Video Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Email Marketing, and Social Media Marketing... Others really just don't believe that these methods will help them generate more leads, customers, and profits.
This Is Where YOU Come In...
But the PROBLEM Is…
Creating top-quality content that will actually educate local businesses and soft-sell your services at the same time can be COSTLY, FRUSTRATING, and TIME-CONSUMING...
So why try to create the content yourself when you can have the "Done-For-You" solution right at your fingertips?
In order to grab your share of local business clients, you need all of the TOOLS and STRATEGIES you can get...
This Credibility-BOOSTING Local Business Misconceptions PLR Pack will help you EDUCATE local business owners with the FACTS... without hard-selling them on your services.
Many business owners today want to market to the massive online and mobile audience, but just haven't taken action yet because they don't think it will work for some reason or another...
To help you overcome this barrier, this pack will help you generate new leads simply by explaining the power of these methods in a way that they can understand.
Once you grab this package, you can edit it however you want, add your contact information, and let it work FOR YOU!
Let’s Take a Look at This Offer in More Detail...

To Kim, I've already sent this message to you but figured I'd share it with everyone here...
"You make me look better than I can!"
To everyone else, I don't know Kim personally, I've never met her, and I have no reason to write this reply outside of the fact that what I'm about to say is real (the truth).
Kim's material has been instrumental in MOST of my successful offline ventures. The quality of her content and the smart targeting of her ideas is far above every other provider. There is no other way to reach this level of quality unless you do it yourself - and I'd put her up against you any day! If you think I'm wrong... prove it.
If you are serious about cultivating and managing an offline business, you need to see what Kim offers - just be prepared to be spoiled (or perhaps ashamed?)
Didn't bother reading the details....Kim produces top quality material. I just went to the purchase button and picked it up.
This is another great set of marketing materials for my team to use.
I love everything you create. I didn't even read the whole sales copy, I just skipped down to the larger option package. I look forward to digging through all of this information!! Thank you for all of your reports and packages! |
Love Kim's Stuff. High quality and great support.
Thanks for creating this one Kim.-David
More than worth the low cost just for the concise report.................
Excellent .
So... How Much is This Going to Cost?
To get a quality package of content like this created yourself,
you would spend at least $500 or more!
But you won't pay that today...
Instead, you're getting a great deal while copies last!
** Limited Copies Available at This Price **
My goal with this WSO is to OVER-DELIVER
*Get it While the Price is Still LOW*